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Seattle Post Intelligencer April 2006

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Sarah F. - Redmond

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As They Grow

Time flies. All of a sudden, the baby's feet don't fit in her jammies, your three-year-old needs a haircut, even "your girls" could really use a new nursing bra. You could run all over town looking for everything you need, or, you could just head over to CF Kids in Crossroads Mall; a one-stop shop for clothing, gear, toys, and yes...even hair-cuts.

New mamas will love the selection of nursing supplies (including Bravado bras), slings, feeding supplies, diaper bags, little potties, and even car seats. Clothing typically runs from infant to 6x, although we saw a few items in 7/8 including cute rain gear from Pluie Pluie. We also found a great selection of Zutano, Petit Bateau, Baby Lulu, Mimi & Maggie and fabulous Luxe baby robes by Lil Rags. CF Kids also has plenty of Robeez, Trumpettes, Crocs, and rain boots to keep Little Ones' feet stylin' no matter the weather.

The toy section encompasses all ages with a huge supply of Corolle dolls, RokenBok systems, eco-friendly Plan Toys, and for older kids, games, workbooks, science and art kits.

The CF Kids Hair Salon is attached to the store. Junior can pick out his seat (like a race-car or fire truck), a toy to play with, and even the flavor of shampoo. Baby's first haircut deserves some hoopla so you get a discount, a keepsake photo-card, and a saved lock of hair. The salon also offers regular chairs for bigger kids and can do special occasion hair as well. Get it all done at a store that grows with your kids - we promise no growing pains here!

PS: Because you are all grown-up, don't miss their home interiors store just outside the mall called Common Folk Co.

CF Kids
Crossroads Mall ,15600 NE 8th St Bellevue
425.643.KIDS (5437)